domingo, 2 de maio de 2010

Jim Morrison's last notebook, Paris 1971

Jim Morrison's last notebook, Paris 1971 together with one of the final photographs taken of him A very rare and important lot a stenographers spiral bound notebook with 20 pages of handwritten musings, finished and unfinished and reworked poems and lyrics in blue ballpoint pen in the hand of Jim Morrison possibly started prior to his departure from Los Angeles and the majority written during his last days in Paris. Jim Morrison using the alias (part of his name) 'James Douglas' arrived in Paris in March 1971 to take a break from performing and the concentrate on his writing. His long-time girlfriend Pamela Courson (who used the name Morrison on occasion) had travelled before him and arranged for them to rent the large 19th century apartment in the Fourth Arrondissement of model and starlet Elizabeth Lariviere known as Zozo, where Jim planned to spend his days writing. Jim had a habit of carrying several spiral bound notebooks with him at all times to jot down notes, poems and ideas as they came to him, he took some of these notebooks with him when he went to Paris. Throughout June of 1971, Jim carried a white plastic shopping bag from the 'Samaratine' department store with him wherever he went. It usually contained one or two of his spiral notebooks, some personal photographs, a tape of his 1970 birthday poetry reading, a pack of Marlboros, a lighter a few ballpoint pens and some interviews and articles about The Doors. Jim found it increasingly difficult to write, becoming unsettled, erratic and ultimately ill and resorted to his old ways of drinking hard

1 comentário:

Emoções disse...

Como conseguiste esse bloco de notas?

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